Tuesday 29 April 2008

Comment 5 - Graffiti

In response to:
“I think graffiti can sometimes be tasteful and shows how talented some people are when it is done in designated places made for that sort of thing, but this is not always the case. Just opposite the shop where I work, some very obnoxious people have put graffiti all over the window of another shop premises. It is really unsightly and VERY offensive. It stops people coming to shop in particular areas because it is so unsightly. I think it's really unfair to the owners and just costs more money to keep cleaning this mindless graffiti off! It gives the area a bad reputation and therefore affects the profit of shops. I think the bad graffiti I have seen constitutes very bad behaviour!”

My comment:
Graffiti, what do you think of when that word is used? Drawing? Doodle? Perhaps even scrawl or scribble. To me, these four words mean very different things, drawings are illustrations, pictures. Doodles are those little drawings you don’t put much effort into, a quick sketch perhaps. Scrawl and scribble are illegible words scrawled over a piece of paper. Most people’s ideas of graffiti are just this; scribble!
However some graffiti artists are just that; artists! Without a place to hang their art in they turn to the streets, the walls. To brighten up their cities and show off their talent.
Like art, graffiti comes in different varieties, some an eyesore and some wonderful pictures to please the eye.

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