Thursday 27 March 2008


The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act enforces fines from £50 to £80 for people who litter. It also requires occupiers to clear their land of litter, stop people handing out flyers and leaflets in designated areas and fine shops selling take-away food if they refuse to clear up litter outside their premises. For more information go to
But people still litter! Why? It’s devastatingly bad for the environment with an ever increasing landfill we are creating. Pretty soon it’s going to be that high we’ll be able make trips to the moon without the rocket!
So the only explanation I can fathom for people littering is that they don’t care or they think that disobeying standard societies rules is “being bad” or deviant. It’s their way of saying that rules don’t apply to them, they’re too superior to bother with insignificant things like bins. Someone else will pick it up. In fact, the council does employ people to pick up after litter bugs but they are very rarely seen. At least around Birmingham, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everywhere I look all I see is rubbish polluting the streets. Birmingham’s grey enough. Why do lazy people have to make it worse by piling junk everywhere? Can’t an apathetic nation even take pride in its appearance?

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