Friday 29 February 2008


Many people consider smoking to be sexy. It’s used in many films to demonstrate sexual prowess and “bad” behaviour. Particularly in 1950’s films smoking was used to symbolise sex. As no explicit sexual content was allowed in films, two aflame cigarettes would burn away in an ashtray. The cigarettes representing the couple and the ashtray their bed. The language used to talk about smoking sounds pretty sexy too; hot, ablaze, fiery, flaming.
Your lips are a very sensual, sexual part of your body. The fact that this is the instrument that you use to smoke has everything to do with its sexual connotations. If it was not our lips but another part of our body that we used to smoke, would it still be sexy?

So this is what smoking does to you. Pretty powerful imagery do you not agree? Twenty six per cent of men and twenty three per cent of women smoke today in Britain. That’s almost half of our population polluting not only their bodies, but non smokers bodies too.

  • Every year 120,000 smokers die in the UK as result of their habit

  • Smoking kills around six times more people in the UK than road traffic accidents

  • Smoking increases the level of breast ptosis (sagging), as it breaks down a skin protein called elastin, which gives youthful skin its elastic appearance and supports the breasts.
  • By 2020, smoking will kill more people than AIDS, tuberculosis, maternal mortality, car accidents, suicides and murder.

Do you still find smoking sexy?

All statistics taken from

1 comment:

SM4eva said...

Thanks for posting that video - I often surf you tube - but never for anything inforamtive like that! I quite liked the vivid imagery with the brain and the tar. I'm a non smoker - but what I think is that DESPITE ALL THIS NEGATIVE IMAGERY PEOPLE STILL CONTINUE TO SMOKE. Despite putting big warning labels on the sides of cigarette packs - despite putting big billboards - despite people being more educated on the facts of smoking, despite cigarette adverstising being banned, despite the age you are permited to buy cigarettes being highered, despite banning it in the pubs, despite the NHS quitting campaigns, despite nicorette, despite bad breath, depite yellow fingers, despite lung disease and death - people still smoke - thats why I want to know!